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Welcome to Vital Staff Newsletter.
Each week, our Vital Staff Newsletter will focus on a specific aspect of personal or professional growth that is relevant to the school environment. Particular emphasis is on the growth and wellbeing of your staff. Other times, we will support your school community by investigating an aspect of student growth and wellbeing.
OUR MISSION is to support schools to be healthy and vibrant teaching and learning communities in which all members flourish and thrive.
How does it work?
- Subscribe to Vital Staff Newsletter HERE
- Nominate a contact person from your school.
- Each Monday of the school term, we will email a link to the contact person so they can download the latest edition. Forty editions per school year.
- The contact person can then distribute the newsletter to all or selected staff as desired.
- Schools use Vital Staff Newsletter in different ways. Some offer use it as a basis for PD sessions. Others offer it to staff for personal and professional reading. It can sometimes used for parent newsletters. Use as you see fit!
What is the cost?
For Secondary Schools (including combined Primary-Secondary) – $110 per year. If you have 150 staff, it works out at less than 2 cents per staff member per week; a great investment in wellbeing and growth of your staff. For Primary Schools – $50 per year.
PLEASE NOTE: As experienced educators, we aim to ensure your staff read the newsletter which is aimed at ALL staff, not only teachers. We appreciate they are very busy people. We have deliberately refined each newsletter to one page per week – thus, they are more likely to read it!
To learn more about Vital Staff Newsletter, go to Sample Newsletters
You can subscribe to Vital Staff Newsletter HERE
**School Resources from the Team at Vital Staff**
These digital resources are a product of DMD Education Resource Services, publisher of Vital Staff Newsletter
THINGS TO KNOW: OUR MISSION is to support schools to be healthy and vibrant teaching and learning communities in which all members flourish and thrive. All our products are offered as eBooks. This means you download them as a PDF file. As the purchaser, you are then entitled to distribute your purchase to your colleagues or students in any way that benefits you, your staff and your students. The contents, in part or in full, can be distributed for educational purposes within your school community. Other relevant copyright conditions apply.
The Power of Positive Student Care: $20
Student pastoral Care resources for busy teachers. Created by educators for educators. This resource will empower your teachers to bring out the best in their students. Download as an eBook, distribute to all your pastoral care or mentor teachers, and print or send digitally the poster related to each topic. A Teacher Resource Page for each topic will help take PC lessons to a whole new and exciting level.
You may Order Here

Supportive Connections: $15
Scripts for building supportive academic and wellbeing connections with students. A compassionate guide to strengthening connections and positively impacting students’ lives.
- Student Counsellors
- Directors of Students
- Year Level Leaders
- House Leaders
- Homeroom Teachers
You may Order Here

Brilliant Student Leaders: $20
A resource for schools and teachers who want to train their students to become Brilliant Student Leaders. Activities, readings, and checklists to entrench empowering leadership skills in your student leaders.
This is a downloadable eBook for easy reproduction and distribution.
You may Order Here

Disclaimer: Vital Staff Newsletter is never intended to replace the advice of any relevant qualified practitioner(s). DMD Education Resource Services and Vital Staff Newsletter disclaim any liability for the decisions you make based upon the information contained in this product.